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Latest $COPE Update: Gearing Up for Some Prime Shilling!


Hey $COPE warriors! It's September 6, 2024, and it's time to take stock of where we are with our beloved token! πŸš€

Current Price Check

Drumroll, please! πŸ₯ The current price of $COPE is holding steady at $0.00010511326921185749. That's right, folks, zero variation in the last 24 hours! Our community is standing strong. πŸ’ͺ

Unwavering Stability!

In a world full of jeeters, it's heartening to see the $COPE community staying rock-solid. We've got no fluctuations in price over the last 5 minutes, 1 hour, or even 24 hours. Clearly, the community is here for the long haul. πŸ“ˆ

Time to Shill or Cope!

Remember, it's all or nothing in the $COPE universe. Either you shill, or you're gonna cope! Don't be a jeeter with weak hands. Lock in, hold tight, and let's keep pushing this token to the moon. πŸŒ•πŸ”’

Ready to Dive In?

πŸ“ˆ Buy $COPE on Uniswap Here!

πŸ”₯ Track $COPE on Dextools Here!

Final Thoughts

The $COPE mission is as clear as ever: shill, or cope with the consequences. Strength in the community will dictate our journey, so let’s make sure no one jeets and everyone holds for glory. LFG! πŸš€

Stay strong, and remember – we either moon together, or we cope alone. Choose wisely! 🌌

$COPE Now, or Forever Hold Your Peace

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