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Cope With This: $COPE Is In Full Swing!


Hey $COPE fam, it's time to check in on our beloved token and see how things are shaping up. If you're not shilling, you're gonna have to cope, so let's dive right into it!

Current Price Statistics

  • Current Price: $0.00012331
  • Price 24 Hours Ago: $0.00013412
  • 24-Hour Variation: -8.05%
  • 24-Hour Price Chain: 4.9957e-8
  • 24-Hour Variation Chain: 0.20%

The price might have dipped a bit over the last 24 hours, dropping by around -8.05%. Must be some jeeters trying to mess with our vibes. But no worries, because the community that's strong together, HODLs together!

Shill and HODL: Our Path to Glory

The community has always been the backbone of $COPE, ever since our mysterious dev left us to fend for ourselves. So what's the next move? Keep spreading the word and shilling hard. The more we shill, the less we'll have to cope!

Stay Updated and Informed

For those who want to keep a constant eye on $COPE, make sure you're using these awesome tools:


Prices may go up and down, but the $COPE spirit is unbreakable. Keep shilling and HODLing, and remember: jeeters are gonna cope, but we've got diamond hands. 🚀

$COPE Now, or Forever Hold Your Peace

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