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Brace Yourselves, $COPE Fam


Alright, $COPE warriors, gather round because we’ve got the latest intel hot off the chain! Our beloved $COPE is currently priced at $0.0001202097. If you've been HODLing, you better tighten that grip because the market's got us riding a rollercoaster. Here are the juicy details:

The Good, The Bad, and The Jeet

  • Current Price: $0.0001202097
  • 6-Hour High: $0.0001327645
  • 24-Hour High: $0.0001594781

In the last 6 hours, we’ve seen a respective dip of -9.46%. But hey, that’s just the market making sure only the true believers stay on board. New jeeters, y’all better show some respect!

24-Hour Price Action

The past 24 hours? It's been a wild ride with a kinda stomach-churning drop of -24.62%. If you've weathered that storm, then shoutout to you! 📉 Jeeters, learn to COPE, or get out!

Be a Shill, Not a Jeet

Remember, the name of the game is perseverance. Every dip is just a test to see who’s really in it for the long haul. Get the word out, shill hard, and let’s make it so that jeeters will have to COPE with their decisions!

Ready to reload or wanna dive in for the first time? Check out our official links below:

Swap $COPE on Uniswap
Track $COPE on DEXTools

Let's keep the dream alive and make the Dev cope with our success! 🚀🌕💎

$COPE Now, or Forever Hold Your Peace

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